Vortrag mit und für Ärzte ohne Grenzen – Vernachlässigte Krankheiten und globale Impfstoffgerechtigkeit

Mussa, one year old, in the Nutritional Centre of MSF Kenema Hospital.
Tiangay, his mom doesn’t know her age, but she seems very young.
They arrived at the hospital six days ago because Tiangay was worried as the baby had been vomiting and had had diarrhoea for the past three days.
Mussa was malnourished, he only ate porridge made with water, which was not enough to feed him.
Mussa weighted just 6kg (the minimum weight for a child of his age and height to be deemed not to be suffering from malnutrition is 7kg).
After three days in Nutritional Centre 1 (the ward for patients with Severe Acute Malnutrition where we treat children with therapeutic milk F75), Mussa was moved to Nutritional Centre 2.
Patients are moved here when they are more stable and they start to recover energy and appetite. Here Mussa was fed with therapeutic milk F100 (it’s richer, with a higher calorie intake).
After a week in the MSF Hospital, Mussa was still not well.
Tiangay told me that he vomited the day before and that she was worried because he was gaining weight too slowly.
We returned to visit Mussa two days later. His mom was relieved because Mussa had ate both meals, a small step but it really means a lot: it means the beginning of his recovery.
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Vortrag 13. Juni 18:30 Vernachlässigte Krankheiten und globale Impfstoffgerechtigkeit
Ort: wird noch bekannt gegeben
Vortragende & Gäste von ÄoG Herr Marcus Bachmann & Frau Claudia Ackerl
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